By the time Nathaniel arrived in June 2020, we were already exhausted. It had been a long summer of bushfires and smoke. And then the pandemic hit. With borders closed, and no family in the ACT, the Perinatal Wellbeing Centre became a critical part of our support system in Canberra. In those lonely days, it meant everything to have someone make a hot cup of tea and cuddle the baby.

The Perinatal Wellbeing Centre provides invaluable support services to women and babies in the ACT. Perinatal Wellbeing Centre has been unable to run their usual fundraising events due to COVID restrictions. At the same time, demand for their services has only grown in these challenging times. Nathaniel has plenty of books, toys and clothes from his cousins and big sister. What we'd really love is for you to help another mum and baby, just like us.

Jacqueline Mayer